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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Market Update Nov 2012 to Dec 2012
Today we have a total of 33 listings showing Active on the market.
This is only the 2nd time in 17 years of selling Real Estate here in AV that I have seen inventory so low.
We have 108 Listings in Back up status
We have 79 Listings Pending
In this time period of 11/4/2012 to 12.4.2012 we closed 79 sales.
Leases are showing 62 Available at this time.
I haven't done a market update in awhile because it's been kind of sitting at 60 or so listings active per month for the whole year. In the past few weeks it shrunk down to the 30's... which means if you have a house to sell, this is an excellent time to list it. Appraisals have been an issue in some of the transactions because with multiple offers the buyers are willing to pay more than the banks see the value for. It's complicated, but prices do go up when there are more buyers than sellers and we are most definitely feeling this trend for the majority of 2012.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Some good Advice for Holiday Safety
Holiday safety tips
With the holiday season underway, Aliso Viejo Police Services is reminding the public to remember the following safety tips:
* Always lock your vehicle and remove all of your valuable property, especially your holiday gifts, while parked anywhere - even in your garage. Vehicle burglaries occur during this season because many people drop off their purchased gifts to their car and go back into the store for more shopping, leaving their vehicles and gifts unattended.
* Always take your purse or wallet with you - never leave it in your car. Use a shoulder-strap purse to prevent your purse being taken from a shopping cart, counter or the floor by a thief.
* To prevent the theft of packages being delivered to your home when you're not there, request from the company you are ordering from or shipper that USPS, UPS or FedEx requires your signature before your packages are delivered. Or, if possible, request that USPS, UPS or FedEx hold your packages for pickup at their nearest location. This is one way to avoid them from being stolen from your front porch.
* Burglars know that a holiday tree showcased in the front window means presents will be underneath it. Close your blinds while you are away from home and reinforce all of your windows and sliding doors with additional locks.
* Keep your garage door closed at all times to prevent thefts from your garage, vehicle or home. Also, remove the garage door remote when you park in your driveway or on the street.
* If you go out of town for a holiday vacation, make your house look "lived in." Have a trusted neighbor pick up your mail and newspaper every day. Place timers on different lamps, TVs and radios throughout the house at different days and times to give the illusion of an occupied home. Also, take advantage of the free vacation checks offered by Aliso Viejo Police Services. To arrange for one, call 949-425-2563.
* When shopping online, consider using a third-party service such as disposable credit card or PayPal to pay for purchases. This protects your personal credit card information, reducing the risk of fraud.
* To avoid being a victim of a charity scam, never give out personal information including credit card and bank account details, especially over the phone. If you want to give this holiday season, contact the charity of your choice to find out how you can donate to their cause.
* If an offer, product or service sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don't fall for the scam.
* Keep your credit card receipts in a safe place and review your credit card, ATM card or checking account statements for activity that may indicate fraud or identity theft. If you are a victim of fraud or identity theft, call the credit reporting agencies to put an alert on your accounts and call the Sheriff's non-emergency line at 949-770-6011 to report it.
* Call the Sheriff's non-emergency number 949-770-6011 to report any solicitors or other types of suspicious people or activity.
Battery Recycling.. Did you know we have a place in AV?
If you are like me you have lots of baggies with old batteries and we know we are not supposed to put them in the trash pick up.
The City of Aliso Viejo has a bin at City Hall where you can drop them. They take regular batteries like AA, AAA , D, etc. They also take small electronics there. I had heard about this but just confirmed it.
The City offices are open during normal business hours. If you need help with getting them there and live in Aliso Viejo, I will be happy to pick them up or you can drop at my home. Contact me at
I just went there and if you go into the offices at City Hall there is a box on the right side as you walk in where you can drop them off. Super easy and a great way to dispose of your batteries.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Snow Fest is Here. Time to Register!
Registration for the City's fun-filled Snow Fest begins on Saturday, December 15 at City Hall, 12 Journey. The popular event takes place from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. January 26 at Grand Park in the Aliso Viejo Town Center.
More than 50 tons of snow will cover Grand Park to create a grand mountain, bunny slope and snow man park. Sleds are provided and tickets are only $5 per person. Children under 1 get in free.
Pre-registration is required and begins for Aliso Viejo residents December 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Registration continues December 17-18 from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., if space is still available. Rain dates are set for February 2 and February 9, if needed.
For more information, call 949-425-2537.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Fall is in the Air!
The other day I was riding my bike on the Aliso Creek Trail and between the High School and the street by the Morman church there was the most beautiful orange/red tree. I keep thinking I should go get a photo because it was nothing short of the colors on the east of the country. I love the Liquid Ambers this time of year, so pretty.. going to try to take my camera around a bit and capture some of the beauty of fall in Aliso Viejo.
Have some electronics you need to recycle?
Lots of people buying new tv's and such for Christmas and taking advantage of the sales. If you would like to save yourself the trouble of taking it to a recyling event or scheduling a pick up with the trash companies I use this company.
Living Green Recycling.
They take anything that has a cord, old cameras, computers and hard drives are destroyed properly and pick up at your door.
Here is their website
Or email at
Usually a next day pick up!
Jeff Leite, Owner.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Santa's coming to AV this Sunday!!!!
Santa Claus is coming to town Sunday, Dec. 2
Santa Claus will arrive in Grand Park on Sunday, December 2 during the Aliso Viejo Community Association's (AVCA) Winter Holiday Event.
This time-honored holiday event attracts folks of all ages to the Grand Park/Town Center Amphitheater for a festive seasonal celebration. The fun kicks off at 4:30 p.m. and includes live entertainment; complimentary cookies and hot chocolate; and tons of holiday cheer!
Besides the grand arrival of jolly old St. Nick and his jovial bride, visitors will enjoy the official lighting of the holiday tree.
Kids can also visit with Santa after the formal program.
This event is rain or shine. If it is raining, the holiday event will be moved under the overhang at the movie theater.
For more information, visit or call 949-243-7750.
This is a really fun event for everyone!
Monday, October 22, 2012
No health insurance? Need a flu shot?
The City of Aliso Viejo is proud to present....
Free Flu Shot Clinic Nov. 1 for those without access to health care
The Aliso Viejo Family Resource Center is teaming up with Mission Hospital to host a free Flu Shot Clinic for folks without health insurance on Thursday, November 1.
The clinic is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Iglesia Park Community Center located at 24671 Via Iglesia.
The flu vaccine is available for people ages 9 and older. Parents must accompany kids under 18. No appointments are necessary.
For more information, call the Mission Hospital Health Line at 949-364-1770.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Low Cost Vaccinations for our pets are here again!
Low-cost Vaccination/Microchip Clinic October 17
The Mission Viejo Animal Services Center on Wednesday, October 17 will host a low-cost vaccination and microchip clinic for Aliso Viejo, Mission Viejo and Laguna Niguel pet owners only.
The clinic will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at 28095 Hillcrest in Mission Viejo.
Dog vaccines include Rabies $8; DHPP $21; Corona $15; Bordetella $20; K9 Influenza $32; and Lyme $32. Cat vaccines include Rabies $8; FVRCP $22; and FeLv $27. (All vaccinations are charged an additional $2 medical disposal fee).
Pet owners can also have their animals licensed at the clinic. A license is required for all dogs starting at the age of 4 months.
Microchipping is available for $20. The vaccine clinic will accept cash, check or Visa/MasterCard.
For more information, call 949-470-3045 or visit
Lip Dub Video is available online!
I know what you are thinking.. what the heck is a Lip Dub Video? It's a video of a city that includes residents, groups, and business people. It's supposed to give you a snapshot of the community.. see what you think and would love to see comments.
Lip Dub video is available for residents, the world to see!
If you missed the premiere of the City of Aliso Viejo's community Lip Dub during Mayor Donald Garcia's State of the City Saturday, don't fret. This one-of-a-kind video is now online for you, your family, friends, neighbors and peers to enjoy again and again.
The video, produced by PeopleStar FilmWorks, featured about 1,300 people of all ages who danced and sang down the streets of Aliso Viejo this summer and demonstrated civic pride. The Lip Dub premiered during the City's Founder's Day Fair before an enthusiastic crowd after Mayor Garcia spoke about the state of this City and recognized the Aliso Niguel Girls Soccer Team as the City's 2012 "Citizens of the Year."
The Mayor touted Aliso Viejo's crime as being the lowest it's been since the City incorporated in 2001; how the Aliso Viejo Aquatic and Conference Centers continue to thrive; and about the City's accomplishments this past year. Those include launching the new Aliso Viejo Volunteer Exchange (AVX) that will serve as an online clearinghouse for individuals and groups looking for community and public service. Businesses and organizations will use AVX to promote their volunteer opportunities. The City also rolled out a new iApp - your mobile connection to the community with real-time news updates, park and trail information, dining and shopping options, and City contact information. When many other cities continue to struggle, Aliso Viejo once again adopted a balanced budget and continues to thrive. He spoke about this City having great amenities and some of the best sports fields and parks in the county - and that Aliso Viejo is a city of "mutual respect."
You can see the community respect and so much more in the City's Lip Dub, which features groups, individuals, businesses, organizations, Olympic gold medalist Kyla Ross and others united in showcasing this great City. This massive street party set to music will go down in Aliso Viejo history and is something residents will not want to miss seeing! To see the Lip Dub, visit YouTube or click HERE.
Visit the city's You Tube Channel button at
Monday, October 8, 2012
Founders Fair on Sat, October 13th
All Aliso Viejo residents invited to State of the City Saturday, Oct. 13
Aliso Viejo Mayor Don Garcia's State of the City will be a celebration-filled community event that will take place during the annual Founder's Day Fair on Saturday, October 13. This year's State of the City event is free for the entire public to enjoy. In keeping with the theme of community, the event will be unique and different with fun-filled activities and a City barbecue for all. The fair is from 1:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., with Mayor Garcia's State of the City presentation at 7 p.m.
Held at the rustic Aliso Viejo Ranch site at 100 Park Avenue, Founder's Day is an annual City event that commemorates the heritage of Aliso Viejo. The event offers a glimpse of California ranch life through historical displays and antique farm equipment exhibits with hands-on activities such a panning for gold, blacksmithing and so much more. Folks of all ages will enjoy live entertainment by Woodie and the Long Boards, who play upbeat Beach Boys tunes; a carnival zone; petting zoo; and countless other exciting attractions.
The community is also invited to savor a free barbecue from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. featuring hamburgers, hot dogs and beverages. Shortly thereafter, Mayor Garcia will take center stage and kick off his State of the City presentation with the premiere of the City of Aliso Viejo's Lip Dub video, produced by PeopleStar FilmWorks. Casual attire is suggested.
This event offers something for people of all ages and is one folks will not want to miss!
For more information, visit or contact Karen Crocker at 949-425-2552.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Political Signs
I am so glad that our city has tighter restrictions on Political signs prior to elections. Yesterday I drove through Mission Viejo and Laguna Hills and signs are splattered all over the place. It really is such an eyesore. I wonder if every business was allowed to do this what our cities would look like. I think politicians get enough as it is. We "normal citizens" and business people are restricted to a way higher standard in terms of signage and such.
Friday, September 28, 2012
El Toro will have some work going on next week.
El Toro Road street improvements begin next week
The City of Laguna Woods will begin construction next week on a street-widening project on El Toro Road. The work includes widening El Toro to provide a third westbound lane; building retaining walls, curb, gutter, sidewalk ramps, street lights, and storm-drain facilities.
Construction takes place on El Toro Road from Canyon Hills Drive to Calle Corta. Lane closures and some traffic delays are expected during the course of the project. All construction is dependent on the weather but is expected to be completed this December.
For more information, call 949-425-2530 or e-mail
National Take Back Prescription Day is this SATURDAY
National Take Back Day Saturday, Sept. 29
National Prescription Medication Take Back Day will take place on Saturday, September 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Orange County Sheriff's Department South Substation in Aliso Viejo at 11 Journey. The US Drug Enforcement Agency, Orange County Sheriff's Department and local police services are hosting this event to collect any unused, unwanted or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications for destruction. The service is free and anonymous with no questions asked.
Intravenous solutions, needles (sharps) and syringes will not be accepted at the event; however, information about the nearest syringe disposal sites will be available.
More than 7 million people aged 12 and older abused prescription drugs in 2010, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The Partnership at reports that nearly one in five teens has taken a prescription medication to get high, without having his or her own prescription. In fact, every day 2,500 teenagers use a prescription drug to get high for the first time. The majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from friends and relatives, including the home medicine cabinet, according to national studies.
Prevent the abuse of prescription drugs by bringing any unused, unwanted or expired medications on September 29 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to the Sheriff's Substation in Aliso Viejo - no questions asked. For more information, click here.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Pool is still open and it's HOT enough to really enjoy it!
Enjoy the Aquatic Center through the end of September
Just because school is back in session this week doesn't mean the fun is over at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center. In fact, this fun-filled facility is open through September 30.
The community can enjoy lap swim or after-school recreational swim Monday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends.
Admission for Aliso Viejo residents is $5 adults; $3 youth (ages 2-13); and $3 seniors (ages 60+). Non-residents pay $7 for adults; $5 youth; and seniors.
The Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center is located at 29 Santa Barbara near Golf Drive and Glenwood. For more information, call 949-425-2559 or visit
September 29, Take back your prescriptions free day!
National Take Back Day Sept. 29
National Prescription Medication Take Back Day will take place on Saturday, September 29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Orange County Sheriff's Department South Substation in Aliso Viejo at 11 Journey. The US Drug Enforcement Agency, Orange County Sheriff's Department and local police services are hosting this event to collect any unused, unwanted or expired prescription and over-the-counter medications for destruction. The service is free and anonymous with no questions asked.
Intravenous solutions, needles (sharps) and syringes will not be accepted at the event; however, information about the nearest syringe disposal sites will be available.
More than 7 million people aged 12 and older abused prescription drugs in 2010, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The Partnership at reports that nearly one in five teens has taken a prescription medication to get high, without having his or her own prescription. In fact, every day 2,500 teenagers use a prescription drug to get high for the first time. The majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from friends and relatives, including the home medicine cabinet, according to national studies.
Prevent the abuse of prescription drugs by bringing any unused, unwanted or expired medications on September 29 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to the Sheriff's Substation in Aliso Viejo - no questions asked. For more information, click here.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Labor Day at the Aquatic Center at a Discount!
Enjoy Labor Day specials at Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center
Spend Labor Day at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center and you'll pay a $3 entry fee and enjoy a host of fun-filled free activities and specials from the Oasis Cafe.
The September 3 celebration at 29 Santa Barbara is from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and features games and activities throughout the day. The water balloon toss kicks off at 11 a.m.; followed by relay races at noon and 2 p.m.; and a Hula Hoop contest at 1 p.m.
Delectable chef specials will be available from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. from the Oasis Cafe.
The Aquatic Center is conveniently located near Aliso Creek Road and Glenwood Drive, next to the Aliso Viejo Conference Center.
For more information about the fabulous facility, visit or call 949-425-2559.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Kyla Ross our Gold Medal Gymnist
It's not everyday we get to see a gold medal winner in person! Kyla was honored at the last summer concert in Grand Park last Sunday and was there with her parents to receive a key to city.
Photo credit Sharon Thompson.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Free Electronic Recyling this Weekend!
Social Services
FREE Electronics Recycling Event - Sat. Aug. 18 - 9:00am - 1:00pm
- Posted by Gayle Steuckrath
- August 13, 2012
Clean out your garage and help protect the environment !
Bring all your old, broken electronics to this convenient drive-thru recycling event !
Hosted by The Center Stage Studio and Whole Foods Market
27101 Aliso Creek Road, Aliso Viejo (near Aliso Creek Rd. and Journey)
Bring all your old, broken electronics to this convenient drive-thru recycling event !
Hosted by The Center Stage Studio and Whole Foods Market
27101 Aliso Creek Road, Aliso Viejo (near Aliso Creek Rd. and Journey)
Monday, August 13, 2012
What a great way to cool off and relax
ALISO VIEJO – The operating season and daily hours for the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center will be extended beginning in May.
The new season – May 1 to Sept. 30 – adds six weekends. Weekday hours will be shortened and weekend hours will be extended. The changes – based on suggestions from the public and a review of 2009 attendance logs – were approved this week by the City Council.ADVERTISEMENT
Operating hours will be 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday, and 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
The city also will offer season passes for adults, $150, and children, $90. Monthly passes are $50 for adults and $30 for children.
The aquatic center first opened in 2009. The facility includes a 25-meter pool, recreation pool, splash pad and toddler wading pool. The center offers fee-based swimming programs, activities, and party rentals.
The council also approved $8,300 to promote the aquatic center among residents and visitors. Nearly half the money will be spent on special holiday events at the pool and on two family events.
There are plans to advertise the center on the city's Web site, and in e-mail blasts, the community calendar and community directories. Fliers will be distributed at special events.
The estimated operating cost for the pool is $173,600, according to a staff report.
The Aquatic Center is at Aliso Creek Road and Glenwood Drive next to the Aliso Viejo Conference Center.
Contact the writer: or 949-454-7363
More from Aliso Viejo »
This article is from the OC Register.
We spent a few hours at the pool yesterday and I have to say it was so nice, a great way to beat the heat and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The lap pool is salt water and just perfect, the other pool is more for families and lounging.
We spent a few hours at the pool yesterday and I have to say it was so nice, a great way to beat the heat and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The lap pool is salt water and just perfect, the other pool is more for families and lounging.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Low Cost Pet Clinic is back Aug 25th
Low-cost Pet & Vet Clinic August 25
The City's Family Resource Center and Mission Viejo Animal Services Center are teaming up to host a low-cost Pet and Vet Clinic on Saturday, August 25 at the Iglesia Park Community Center.
The cash-only clinic will offer vaccinations and micro-chipping at discounted rates along with dog licensing from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Vaccines for cats and dogs will range from $7 to $28. Dogs must be on leashes and cats in carriers. The Iglesia Park Community Center is located at 24671 Via Iglesia, near Moulton Parkway and Calle Cortez.
For more information, e-mail or call 949-425-2519. Detailed vaccination information is also available by clicking here.
Conserve your electric with this heat wave...
SDG&E asks customers to reduce their use tomorrow
SDG&E is asking customers to reduce their use tomorrow due to hotter-than-average temperatures.
While we're not experiencing a system emergency at this time, you can help reduce strain on the electric grid by reducing your electricity use between 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. tomorrow. By doing so, you will be eligible to earn a bill credit of $0.75 per kilowatt hour saved.
Here are some quick tips to help customers save energy at home:
* Raise your central A/C's thermostat setting four to six degrees.
* Run major appliances before 11 a.m. or after 6 p.m.
* Unplug chargers and power strips.
* Turn off pool pumps between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Customers are encouraged to log on to My Account at after the event by going to the My Energy tab and click on My Energy Use. Find your "Use Less Than" amount on the table and put your conservation plan in place to earn rewards. For more information, visit
It's always a good idea to conserve when it's hot, but I am really glad I am with Edison as most of Aliso Viejo is.. because I hear that SDGE is really expensive.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Kind of disappointed....
It's not everyday that our city has someone going to the Olympics. I was and still am a little upset that the city and AVCA didn't do more to support Kyla Ross. A nice little banner at Grand Park, perhaps name recognition on the bulletin board on Pacific Park and Aliso Creek.
Oh, I'm sure the city will do their usualy after the fact photo opportunity with their congratulations, but what about the rest of us? I know some of the restaurants and bars were holding events to support her which is fantastic but what about our city?
If you want to build community, you need to celebrate these monumental events. I hope the next time something like this happens, Aliso Viejo will be a bit more on top of it with some community building recognition before the event. It's really something to be proud of.
Noticed that they put Congratulations to Kyla Ross on the board on Aliso Creek and Pacific Park..
I like this idea!
Council approves Aliso Viejo Exchange (AVX)
The Aliso Viejo City Council on Wednesday approved a contract to design, develop and maintain the Aliso Viejo Exchange, the City's upcoming one-stop, on-line community service, public service and volunteer program.
Operating under the motto "Giving back to the community that gives us so much," the Aliso Viejo Exchange, or "AVX" as it will be called, will serve as an online clearinghouse for individuals and groups looking for community service, public service and volunteer opportunities in Aliso Viejo. AVX will also enable organizations and businesses throughout the City to promote their volunteer opportunities.
This first-of-its-kind program offers a dynamic new approach that will serve as the central hub for community, public service and volunteer opportunities, eliminating wasted time and energy spent by organizations and individuals pursuing their right volunteer fit.
By approving the contract for the development of AVX, the City anticipates the website program will be launched in approximately 60 to 90 days.
The City Council also appointed Council Member Phil Tsunoda, who originally came up with the AVX concept, to work with the vendor and City staff on the implementation of AVX.
To date, a number of institutional business and organizations have already pledged their commitment and involvement to AVX. Those entities include the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), the City of Aliso Viejo, the Orange County Sheriff's Department, the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce, Savannah's Organic Ranch, the Boys and Girls Club of Capistrano Valley, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and a number of local schools and churches.
AVX is anticipated to swiftly and appropriately match community service, public service and volunteer-interested parties with organizations based on interests, needs and qualifications. Whether it is providing tutor services, participating in a park clean-up project, providing assistance to the elderly or volunteering for the numerous civic activities in town, AVX will provide the central hub for matching up individuals and organizations with those opportunities.
For more information on the development and implementation of AVX, contact Community Services Director Karen Crocker at 949-425-2512 or
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Watch Aliso Viejo's Kyla Ross at the Olympics this Sunday!
An Olympic viewing will be held on Sunday, July 29 for residents to cheer on Aliso Viejo's own Kyla Ross as she competes in the 2012 Olympics.
The all-day viewing will take place from 11 a.m. to midnight at Buffalo Wild Wings in the Aliso Viejo Town Center at 26711 Aliso Creek Road.
At 15, Kyla is the youngest member of the five-person gymnastics team the U.S. has sent to London to compete in the summer Olympics. She is part of the strongest U.S. women's team in recent memory with a great shot at beating its closest rivals, China, Russia and Romania.
Kyla, a two-time U.S. junior champion, has spent most of the last 10 years walking to the top of the podium at the end of most meets, where she dutifully accepts the medal and immediately begins focusing on the next one. She is supremely talented, but it's her competitive fire and precision that sets her apart.
The City of Aliso Viejo is proud of Kyla's vast accomplishments and wishes her the best of luck in this historic endeavor! The public is invited to root her on while enjoying some delectable fare at Buffalo Wild Wings. Parties of two or more that mention they came to watch Kyla in action will receive 10 percent off their food.
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Monday, July 16, 2012
Discount Vaccines this Wed, July 18th
Low-cost vaccination, microchip clinic Wednesday
The Mission Viejo Animal Services Center on Wednesday, July 18 will host a low-cost vaccination and microchip clinic for Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo pet owners.
The clinic will take place from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at 28095 Hillcrest.
Dog vaccines include Rabies $8; DHPP $21; Corona $15; Bordetella $20; K9 Influenza $32; and Lyme $32. Cat vaccines include Rabies $8; FVRCP $22; and FeLv $27. (All vaccinations are charged an additional $2 medical disposal fee).
Aliso Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Mission Viejo pet owners can also have their animals licensed at the clinic. A license is required for all dogs starting at the age of 4 months.
Microchipping is available for $20. For more information, call 949-470-3045 or visit
Monday, July 9, 2012
Weekday Specials at AV Aquatic Center
Weekday specials will make a splash at Aquatic Center
The Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center will kick off a host of weekday summer specials next week that will cater to all ages.
On "Parent & Me Mondays," parents - with a paid youth admission - will get into the facility at the price of a child. Then on "Teen Tuesdays," teens get in for only $2. The midweek means $2 snow cones at the Oasis Cafe during "ICEE Wednesdays." That's followed by "Thirsty Thursdays" featuring a free soft drink with the purchase of a meal. Rounding out the week is "Fab 5 Fridays $5" where families of up to five pay $5 entry after 5 p.m.
The Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center is located at 29 Santa Barbara near Glenwood and Golf Drive. For more information about the facility, call 949-425-2559 or visit
This looks like fun!!!
Public invited to take part in massive community video August 19th
The City of Aliso Viejo is seeking individuals of all ages, groups, organizations, schools, churches and businesses to participate in the City's one-of-a-kind musical video on August 19th! The video, known as a Lip Dub, will showcase this great community. To see a video about this rare opportunity, to register and for more information, click here. You won't want to miss this unique opportunity!
Sponsorship opportunities are also available by clicking here. For more information, contact Karen Crocker at 949-425-2552 or
Friday, July 6, 2012
Market Update 6/4/2012 to 7/5/2012
Currently we have 71 Listings on the market to sell. 50 of them are standard sales!
So that is a nice difference from last year where it was more 50/50.
We have 147 Listings in BACK UP position.
We have 100 Pending Transactions.
We closed 105 Transactions in this time period...
The market is very good for sellers right now, multiple offers are common and I have personally been in a few with 25 plus offers..
We have 59 listings for Lease at this time.
Contact me at if you have any RE Related Questions!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
4th of July Festivities in Aliso Viejo
Enjoy family fun, fireworks July 4th
Mark your calendars for a spectacular Independence Day celebration the whole family will enjoy!
The Aliso Viejo Community Association (AVCA) July 4th bash is from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Grand Park in Aliso Viejo Town Center. It will feature live entertainment, bounce houses, face painting, carnival games, an apple pie contest, food for purchase and a spectacular fireworks show at dusk.
Grand Avenue will be closed from 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. from City Lights Drive to Vantis.
Bring chairs and blankets but no pets.
For more information, call 949-243-7747
Get your walking shoes on!
Community members are invited to lace up their tennis shoes, grab some bottled water and join City representatives on Monday, July 2 for a 2.8-mile walk around Aliso Viejo's Town Center Loop Trail.
The City's Summer Walking Program embraces Aliso Viejo as a "walkable" community and takes participants on the Town Center Loop Trail, which essentially loops around Aliso Viejo Town Center.
The program will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. July 2, 9, 16 and July 23. The goal is to give people an opportunity to explore and enjoy the trail, get a healthy dose of exercise and make new friends. Walgreens will provide T-shirts and pedometers.
Participants are encouraged to park and meet at 5:50 p.m. at Walgreens located at 26531 Aliso Creek Road. Walgreens is partnering with the City to host this program.
For more information, call the City's Community Services Department at 949-425-2519 or e-mail
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Dog Lovers in Aliso May Want to Attend the DAWG WALK
This is a fun event for any animal lover and their dogs
18th Annual DAWG Walk & Pet Faire Saturday, June 23
Aliso Viejo residents are invited to attend the 18th Annual DAWG Walk & Pet Faire on Saturday, June 23 in Mission Viejo.
The event benefits animals at the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center, which has served the City of Aliso Viejo since 2009.
The fun-filled family event, hosted by the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center and Dedicated Animal Welfare Group (DAWG), includes an impressive display of K9 Athletes in Action, pet contests and pet and wildlife exhibits. The fun takes place from 8 a.m. to noon at the Norman P. Murray Community Center and Oso Viejo Park at 24932 Veterans Way.
The DAWG Walk includes a stroll along the Oso Creek Trail, and the Pet Faire boasts local businesses, animal rescues, booths, entertainment, music, raffle prizes, refreshments and much more.
Dogs needing loving, new homes will be available for adoption.
For more information, call 949-470-3045 or visit
Relay for Life Registration taking place
Register for Relay For Life
Individuals, businesses, groups, organizations and others are sought to take part in the 11th annual Aliso Viejo Relay For Life at Grand Park July 28-29.
The American Cancer Society's Relay For Life is a fun-filled overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs. During the event, teams take turns walking or running laps. At nightfall, hundreds of luminaries are lit in a moving ceremony to honor cancer survivors and remember those who lost their battle to the disease.
To register and for more information, visit Information is also available by e-mailing Ted Norman at
Pizzelle Day at Canyon View Elementary
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Summer fun at the AV Library June 23rd
Celebrate Summer at the Aliso Viejo Library June 23
The Aliso Viejo Library will celebrate summer with a special event on Saturday, June 23. The celebration is from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 1 Journey and will feature nature, music and a host of activities.
Learn about worm casting, apartment gardening, composting and wild animal classes and enjoy live performances from local talent like the Laguna Wood Symphony Orchestra, the Kool Kats, Aliso Niguel High School Jazz band and more. Activities include chalk drawing, storytelling and more. The Neighborhood Cup will feature food and drink specials.
For more information, contact
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thanks to all who participated in the shredding event!
Thousands of pounds of paper shred, e-waste recycled at City event
The City of Aliso Viejo's successful Document Shredding/Identity Theft Protection and e-waste event resulted in 22,691 pounds (11.3 tons) of paper shred and 3,422 pounds of e-waste recycled.
The May 19 event in the Soka University parking lot was designed to protect residents from identity theft, provide a free public service and benefit the environment.
Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation, and shredding documents with personal or financial information can be an effective measure of prevention. Along with having their documents shred, folks recycled electronic waste such as old cell phones, computers, monitors, printers and such with e-Recycling of California.
The City plans to host another document shredding and e-waste event next year. Stay tuned to the City's eNews and Twitter for future information.
The City of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7 square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.; United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to "Experience It All." For more information, visit
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Memorial Day Marathon
Memorial Day Half Marathon and 5K May 28
Memorial Day - May 28 - marks the 14th annual City of Laguna Hills Memorial Day Half Marathon, 5K, and 10K honoring the United States Marine Corps Dark Horse Battalion. The event takes place in the cities of Laguna Hills, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Woods and Laguna Niguel.
The event, which is open to runners and walkers of all experience levels, includes a half marathon (13.1 miles), 5K Run/Walk (3.1 miles) and a Kid's Run (1/2 mile). The half marathon and 5K both start in front of the Saddleback Memorial Medical Center and finish at the Laguna Hills Community Center. The kids races start and finish at the Laguna Hills Community Center.
Aliso Viejo residents should be aware of road closures that will impact parts of the City. The information is available by clicking here.
Aliso Viejo residents who want to cross Alicia Parkway when traveling south on Moulton Parkway, Pacific Park or Aliso Creek Road from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Monday, May 28 can use the 73 Toll Road by entering at the Aliso Creek entrance south (tolls will be waived during this 2-hour period).
Registration and more information is available at
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Whole Foods opened today in Laguna Niguel
What a morning.. people were lined up from early this am for the 9:00 opening! They were giving free french rolls away and coupons, and lots of other things in the store. It is really a beautiful store and we are so lucky to have this so close to AV. It was so crowded, it was hard to concentrate on the way the store was set up, etc. but I can tell you that this parking lot will never be the same.. similar to when we got our Trader Joe's in the Lowes shopping center.
It is a great addition to our shopping choices for organic and healthy and fresh foods!
Just a hop, skip and a jump from Aliso Viejo border.
Only 91 Active Listings in Aliso Viejo today!
This is a perfect storm! Great time to list your home if you are interested in talking about it, please contact me at or 949-939-5188 to discuss your options.
We need homes to sell and what a great time to sell a property that normally may be harder to sell.
We need homes to sell and what a great time to sell a property that normally may be harder to sell.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Free Shredding and E Cycle Event this SATURDAY
Free document shredding, e-waste event Saturday
In an effort to protect residents from identity theft and provide a free public service, the City will host a Document Shredding/Identity Theft Protection and e-waste event on Saturday, May 19.
The City is giving community members an opportunity to have their sensitive records securely destroyed from 9 a.m. to noon in Soka University parking lot A at 1 University Drive.
Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation, and shredding documents with personal or financial information can be an effective measure of prevention.
Residents and businesses can bring standard-file boxes of paper records - canceled checks, pay stubs, credit card statements and more - that will be shredded on-site for free. The boxes of pages can contain staples and paper clips but must be free of notebooks or other bindings. Staff will also be on hand to answer questions and provide information about identity theft. There is a limit of 10 boxes per household or business.
Along with having their documents shred, folks can recycle electronic waste such as old cell phones, computers, monitors, printers, scanners, VCR/DVD players, TVs, microwaves and other small appliances free of charge in the Soka parking lot with e-Recycling of California. Large appliances, oils, solvents, tires and other household hazardous waste will not be accepted.
For more information about the May 19 event, contact Aliso Viejo City Clerk Susan Ramos at 949-425-2506 or
The City of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7 square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.; United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to "Experience It All." For more information, visit
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Dog Park People.. Meeting this SAT at 900 am!
Aliso Viejo Community Association
The Aliso Viejo Community Association Walking Workshop for the Proposed Dog Park will be this Saturday, May 12th at 9:00 am at Aliso Canyon Community Park. Meet at the Soccer Field.
Please join the AVCA Board of Directors for a walk in the park. They will be walking the park and reviewing the location of the proposed dog park. AVCA is seeking input from community members on the proposed dog park.
For more information, please call (949) 243-7750 or click the link below:
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Loving these wildflowers!
Everyday I drive by this patch of Wildflowers and wonder how many people see the beauty! Today I finally stopped to photograph with my droid camera!
Free Shredding EVent coming up soon! May 19th
Free document shredding, e-waste event May 19
In an effort to protect residents from identity theft and provide a free public service, the City will host a Document Shredding/Identity Theft Protection and e-waste event on Saturday, May 19.
The City is giving community members an opportunity to have their sensitive records securely destroyed from 9 a.m. to noon in Soka University parking lot A at 1 University Drive.
Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation, and shredding documents with personal or financial information can be an effective measure of prevention.
Residents and businesses can bring standard-file boxes of paper records - canceled checks, pay stubs, credit card statements and more - that will be shredded on-site for free. The boxes of pages can contain staples and paper clips but must be free of notebooks or other bindings. Staff will also be on hand to answer questions and provide information about identity theft. There is a limit of 10 boxes per household or business.
Along with having their documents shred, residents can recycle electronic waste such as old cell phones, computers, monitors, printers, scanners, VCR/DVD players, TVs, microwaves and other small appliances free of charge in the Soka parking lot with e-Recycling of California. Large appliances, oils, solvents, tires and other household hazardous waste will not be accepted.
For more information about the May 19 event, contact Aliso Viejo City Clerk Susan Ramos at 949-425-2506 or
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Ready to Swim?
Aquatic Center opens for another fabulous season Saturday
With just a few days until Saturday's opening of the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center, excitement continues to grow for the fabulous day of swimming, games, activities and fun.
The Opening Season Pool Party at 29 Santa Barbara is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 5. The celebration includes fun-filled games and activities for all ages and Oasis Cafe specials. Entry is $3 per person.
Games and activities take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and include a hula contest and bean bag toss, relay races and more.
The Oasis Cafe will serve lunch specials and an assortment of onsite chef favorites until 4 p.m. Season and monthly passes will also be available.
During the season, residents can take advantage of the swim team, swim lessons, after-school swim, an improved menu at the Oasis Cafe and more. Visitors enjoy lap and recreational swim, private pool parties and numerous activities and events.
The Aquatic Center overlooks the golf course near Glenwood and Golf Drive. The center boasts a junior Olympic 5-lane lap pool, recreational pool, children's wading pool, toddler splash pad, adult whirl pool, Oasis Cafe, locker facilities, restrooms, and a patio with an outdoor patio fireplace.
For more information, call 949-425-2559 or visit
The City of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7 square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.; United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to "Experience It All." For more information, visit
Thursday, April 26, 2012
We are down to 95 Listings in Aliso Viejo!!!
If ever there was a time to sell your home, this is it. Do you have a home in an awkward spot, backs to a street or isn't in the greatest of condition? Have a house that couldn't sell in last years market?
This is your time!
Call me for a confidential appointment to discuss your options.
Theresa V. @ 949-939-5188
This is your time!
Call me for a confidential appointment to discuss your options.
Theresa V. @ 949-939-5188
Have Prescriptions you don't need? Saturday is Medication take back day in Aliso Viejo.
Parents Told to Talk to Kids About Prescription Drug Abuse; Medication Take-Back Day Is Saturday
Sheriff's Department officials discuss the growing problem at Aliso Viejo City Hall. Return drugs to police station for safe disposal.
- ByAshleigh Correa
- Email the author
- 3:04 pm
Unused prescription drugs can be an invitation to abuse. Submitted photo.Drug Enforcement Administration
The City of Aliso Viejo held a short presentation at City Hall Wednesday about the abuse and misuse of prescription drugs.
Deputy Darren Braham of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Crime Prevention Specialist Margo Beauchamp engaged parents and the community in a discussion about being aware of the drug trends in Orange County.
An intimate setting of only 10 people, mainly women and concerned mothers, made up the crowd. Braham went through a list of illegal substances and how teens today are frequently selling and abusing prescription drugs.
He educated parents and guardians of the seriousness behind every pill, the causes and effects, what teens are using them for, how to look for symptoms, where teens are getting them from and how to prevent it. He encouraged parents and guardians to talk with their teens and take this issue seriously.
Wednesday’s presentation was to promote National Prescription Medication Take Back Day on April 28. Between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., residents can bring unwanted, unused and expired prescription medication to the Aliso Viejo Police Station at 11 Journey. It is free and discrete with drive-thru access. This event will be held rain or shine throughout the nation to dispose unwanted prescription medication the safe and correct way -- not down the drains or toilets.
According to the Office of Diversion Control, in 2011 the Drug Enforcement Administration collected more than 377,086 pounds of unwanted or expired prescription medication. There were 5,327 take-back sites throughout the nation. The DEA hopes to see an increase this year.
Look online for more information, or call 714-647-4133 for local drop-off locations to dispose unwanted prescription medication.
Related Topics:Drug Abuse, Orange County Sheriff's Department, Prescription Medications, and Take Back DayDeputy Darren Braham of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and Crime Prevention Specialist Margo Beauchamp engaged parents and the community in a discussion about being aware of the drug trends in Orange County.
An intimate setting of only 10 people, mainly women and concerned mothers, made up the crowd. Braham went through a list of illegal substances and how teens today are frequently selling and abusing prescription drugs.
He educated parents and guardians of the seriousness behind every pill, the causes and effects, what teens are using them for, how to look for symptoms, where teens are getting them from and how to prevent it. He encouraged parents and guardians to talk with their teens and take this issue seriously.
Wednesday’s presentation was to promote National Prescription Medication Take Back Day on April 28. Between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., residents can bring unwanted, unused and expired prescription medication to the Aliso Viejo Police Station at 11 Journey. It is free and discrete with drive-thru access. This event will be held rain or shine throughout the nation to dispose unwanted prescription medication the safe and correct way -- not down the drains or toilets.
According to the Office of Diversion Control, in 2011 the Drug Enforcement Administration collected more than 377,086 pounds of unwanted or expired prescription medication. There were 5,327 take-back sites throughout the nation. The DEA hopes to see an increase this year.
Look online for more information, or call 714-647-4133 for local drop-off locations to dispose unwanted prescription medication.
Oak Park in Aliso Viejo
Oak Park is located on Boundary Oak and is adjacent to several of our neighborhoods including
Memory Lane, Milano, Talavera, Canterbury and Pacific Grove. It is also just a short distance from Canyon View Elementary.
I love this park because it has lots of trees and little hills and reminds me of an old fashioned park where you can plop down with a blanket or chair and read a book, or people watch.
There is a pretty large tot area, one basketball court and several eating areas and benches to rest at.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Market update for 3/21/2012 ro 4/20/2012
The Market has definitely switched gears. Here are the stats. If you scroll down and compare to last year.. there is a huge change. We have very low inventory and sales are way up!
Active Listings 109
Listings in Back Up Status 179
Listings in Pending Status 80
We Closed 74 transactions in this time period.
Now let's compare that with last year.
Active Listings 282
Listings in Back Up Status 105
Listings in Pending Status 56
Closed Transactions 63
Active Listings 109
Listings in Back Up Status 179
Listings in Pending Status 80
We Closed 74 transactions in this time period.
Now let's compare that with last year.
Active Listings 282
Listings in Back Up Status 105
Listings in Pending Status 56
Closed Transactions 63
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Date is set for Dog Park Walk Thru.. May 12th
Aliso Viejo Community Association board members selected May 12 for the Aliso Canyon Community Park walking workshop—the proposed site for the city's first dog park.
Residents are encouraged to attend the workshop to give input and hear plans for the park from AVCA board and committee members.
AVCA President Ross Chun said the workshop is proposed to begin near the soccer field at the end of the Aliso Canyon Community Park. The actual location for the dog park has been discussed for the undeveloped area beyond the soccer fields, toward Aliso and Wood Canyon Park.
Do you have a dog that will enjoy this new park? I do!
Residents are encouraged to attend the workshop to give input and hear plans for the park from AVCA board and committee members.
AVCA President Ross Chun said the workshop is proposed to begin near the soccer field at the end of the Aliso Canyon Community Park. The actual location for the dog park has been discussed for the undeveloped area beyond the soccer fields, toward Aliso and Wood Canyon Park.
Do you have a dog that will enjoy this new park? I do!
Aquatic Center is having an Open House!
Aquatic Center Open House April 26
The 2012 season at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center will run from May 5 through September 30, with a special Open House Thursday, April 26 kicking off the festivities.
The Open House is from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and will feature a complimentary beverage station and cookies, and guests will have a chance to meet this year's swim coach and instructors as well as sign up for monthly and seasonal passes. Information on programs and pricing will be available.
The resort-style complex overlooking the golf course at 29 Santa Barbara has continued to attract more visitors and offer more programs since it opened in 2009. The center's popularity has grown with the addition last year of a new swim team, swim lessons, after-school swim, an improved menu at the Oasis Cafe and more. Visitors enjoy lap and recreational swim, private pool parties and numerous activities and events throughout the season. The center boasts a junior Olympic 5-lane lap pool, recreational pool, children's wading pool, toddler splash pad, adult whirl pool, Oasis Cafe, locker facilities, restrooms, and a patio with an outdoor patio fireplace.
The 2012 season at the Aliso Viejo Aquatic Center will run from May 5 through September 30, with a special Open House Thursday, April 26 kicking off the festivities.
The Open House is from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and will feature a complimentary beverage station and cookies, and guests will have a chance to meet this year's swim coach and instructors as well as sign up for monthly and seasonal passes. Information on programs and pricing will be available.
The resort-style complex overlooking the golf course at 29 Santa Barbara has continued to attract more visitors and offer more programs since it opened in 2009. The center's popularity has grown with the addition last year of a new swim team, swim lessons, after-school swim, an improved menu at the Oasis Cafe and more. Visitors enjoy lap and recreational swim, private pool parties and numerous activities and events throughout the season. The center boasts a junior Olympic 5-lane lap pool, recreational pool, children's wading pool, toddler splash pad, adult whirl pool, Oasis Cafe, locker facilities, restrooms, and a patio with an outdoor patio fireplace.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Market Update 2/25/2012 to 3/25/2012
Well, let's see what's going on this past month....
We sold 55 units, out of which 24 where regular sales, 31 distressed.
At this time we have:
131 Active Listings out of which 72 are not standard sales.
163 in Back up Position, out of which 130 are not standard sales.
78 in Pending Postion, out of which 51 are not standard sales.
Inventory is defintely down and people are out there buying properties. The traffic at open houses has improved, with many people coming from Irvine.
We sold 55 units, out of which 24 where regular sales, 31 distressed.
At this time we have:
131 Active Listings out of which 72 are not standard sales.
163 in Back up Position, out of which 130 are not standard sales.
78 in Pending Postion, out of which 51 are not standard sales.
Inventory is defintely down and people are out there buying properties. The traffic at open houses has improved, with many people coming from Irvine.
Save the Date for Shredding, Sponsored by Aliso Viejo
Save the date for free "Shred Day" May 19
In an effort to protect residents from identity theft and provide
a free public service, the City will host a Document Shredding and Identity
Theft Protection event on Saturday, May 19.The City is giving community
members an opportunity to have their sensitive records securely destroyed from 9
a.m. to noon in Soka University parking lot A at 1 University
Drive.Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation,
and shredding documents with personal or financial information can be an
effective measure of prevention.Residents and businesses can bring
standard-file boxes of paper records - canceled checks, pay stubs, credit card
statements and more - that will be shredded on-site for free. The boxes of pages
can contain staples and paper clips but must be free of notebooks or other
bindings. Staff will also be on hand to answer questions and provide information
about identity theft. There is a limit of 10 boxes per household or
business.For more information about the May 19 event, contact Aliso
Viejo City Clerk Susan Ramos at 949-425-2506 or
The City
of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7
square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is
approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a
thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.;
United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar
Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance
ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space
and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new
Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to
"Experience It All." For more information, visit
In an effort to protect residents from identity theft and provide
a free public service, the City will host a Document Shredding and Identity
Theft Protection event on Saturday, May 19.The City is giving community
members an opportunity to have their sensitive records securely destroyed from 9
a.m. to noon in Soka University parking lot A at 1 University
Drive.Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation,
and shredding documents with personal or financial information can be an
effective measure of prevention.Residents and businesses can bring
standard-file boxes of paper records - canceled checks, pay stubs, credit card
statements and more - that will be shredded on-site for free. The boxes of pages
can contain staples and paper clips but must be free of notebooks or other
bindings. Staff will also be on hand to answer questions and provide information
about identity theft. There is a limit of 10 boxes per household or
business.For more information about the May 19 event, contact Aliso
Viejo City Clerk Susan Ramos at 949-425-2506 or
The City
of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7
square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is
approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a
thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.;
United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar
Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance
ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space
and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new
Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to
"Experience It All." For more information, visit
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Inventory is really low!
We are down to 138 Listings active in Aliso today. This is a sign of a changing market where inventory is being snatched up and sellers are holding on because they feel that the market is changing. If you are thinking of buying here, don't wait. Rates are historically low and prices have stopped bottoming.
Contact me at if you are thinking of buying or selling soon!
Contact me at if you are thinking of buying or selling soon!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Restaurants in Aliso Viejo
I hate to sound like a food snob, but we have such a mediocre selection when it comes to restaurants. Seems like our AV Town Center favors chains and franchises so much more than the individuals who can bring some excitement to our palette.
Most of the times I find that eating at home is a much better selection that what we have out there. Some of my personal favorites are 1. Thai Bite.. always fresh and delicious and not owned by some conglomerate. 2. Bagels and Brew have some nice salads and sandwiches. 3. Pannini Grill makes good kabobs.. not that crazy about their rice or Greek Salad, a huge disappointment and frankly I miss the Italian place that used to me there.. It was too authentic.. and went away.
I will run into Wahoo's occasionally for a quick healthier mexican food, but really it's nothing to write about. It kind of bugs me that one guy owned the Chinese, other Thai place and the Sushi Bar. His chinese biz went down the tubes.. and people love his sushi.. but I prefer Zen Sushi in the Target Center.
In any case, I'd love to see more individuals opening interesting food places.. I don't get that excited about Chick Fil A .. in fact I thought it was awful and greasy and really wonder what all the fuss is about. People say that they like the sweet tea. . do they know that is full of sugar and just as bad as soft drinks? I think an Italian chicken cutlet is way more delicious and think I'm going to post a video on that on my cooking blog.
How about a really nice espresso and bakery? Or a homemade soup place? Or an Artisan Bread Shop ? Cheese Shop? Wine shop? It's kind of sad when you go from one town to another and see the same businesses all over again.
Does anyone else feel like I do?
Most of the times I find that eating at home is a much better selection that what we have out there. Some of my personal favorites are 1. Thai Bite.. always fresh and delicious and not owned by some conglomerate. 2. Bagels and Brew have some nice salads and sandwiches. 3. Pannini Grill makes good kabobs.. not that crazy about their rice or Greek Salad, a huge disappointment and frankly I miss the Italian place that used to me there.. It was too authentic.. and went away.
I will run into Wahoo's occasionally for a quick healthier mexican food, but really it's nothing to write about. It kind of bugs me that one guy owned the Chinese, other Thai place and the Sushi Bar. His chinese biz went down the tubes.. and people love his sushi.. but I prefer Zen Sushi in the Target Center.
In any case, I'd love to see more individuals opening interesting food places.. I don't get that excited about Chick Fil A .. in fact I thought it was awful and greasy and really wonder what all the fuss is about. People say that they like the sweet tea. . do they know that is full of sugar and just as bad as soft drinks? I think an Italian chicken cutlet is way more delicious and think I'm going to post a video on that on my cooking blog.
How about a really nice espresso and bakery? Or a homemade soup place? Or an Artisan Bread Shop ? Cheese Shop? Wine shop? It's kind of sad when you go from one town to another and see the same businesses all over again.
Does anyone else feel like I do?
Monday, February 6, 2012
Market update for Jan 5th thru Feb 6th 2012
Inventory is shrinking and it looks like standard sales are rising a bit.
We still have very low inventory and very few lease listings available.
Active Listings 167 out of which 64 are standard sales.
129 Listings in Back up position out of which 31 are standard sales.
52 Listings are Pending out of which 8 are standard sales.
We closed 42 sales in this period out of which 16 were standard sales.
We currently have 45 Lease Listings available.
If you are thinking of selling your home or buying a property in Aliso Viejo, pls call me for a confidential appointment.
We still have very low inventory and very few lease listings available.
Active Listings 167 out of which 64 are standard sales.
129 Listings in Back up position out of which 31 are standard sales.
52 Listings are Pending out of which 8 are standard sales.
We closed 42 sales in this period out of which 16 were standard sales.
We currently have 45 Lease Listings available.
If you are thinking of selling your home or buying a property in Aliso Viejo, pls call me for a confidential appointment.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Free Tax Workshop for Qualified Residents
Free Tax Filing Workshops
The City, with Orange County United Way and Legal Aid Society of
Orange County, will host free tax filing workshops on February 4 and February
18 for low-income families. Families of four that earned less than $49,078 in
2011 could qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).The tax
filing workshops are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Aliso Viejo Family Resource
Center, 24671 Via Iglesia.Participants should bring their Social
Security cards, W-2, 1099 and 1098 forms along with childcare provider
information, a photo ID and copy of 2010 tax returns.For more
information and to make an appointment, contact Gracie Duran at 949-425-2519 or
The City
of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7
square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is
approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a
thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.;
United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar
Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance
ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space
and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new
Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to
"Experience It All." For more information, visit
The City, with Orange County United Way and Legal Aid Society of
Orange County, will host free tax filing workshops on February 4 and February
18 for low-income families. Families of four that earned less than $49,078 in
2011 could qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).The tax
filing workshops are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Aliso Viejo Family Resource
Center, 24671 Via Iglesia.Participants should bring their Social
Security cards, W-2, 1099 and 1098 forms along with childcare provider
information, a photo ID and copy of 2010 tax returns.For more
information and to make an appointment, contact Gracie Duran at 949-425-2519 or
The City
of Aliso Viejo, which incorporated July 1, 2001, encompasses approximately 7
square miles with over 46,123 residents. The City's annual budget is
approximately $21 million. The budget is available on the City's website at The City supports a
thriving business community with companies such as Pacific Life Insurance Co.;
United Parcel Service (UPS); Clarient; Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Q-Logic; Lennar
Homes; Buy.Com; Fluor Daniel; Pepsi Bottling, Inc.; Shea Homes; the Renaissance
ClubSport Hotel; and Bausch and Lomb. Aliso Viejo has 23 parks, vast open space
and top-notch amenities including the Aliso Viejo Ranch and the City's new
Conference Center and Aquatic Center. The City of Aliso Viejo welcomes you to
"Experience It All." For more information, visit
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